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Welcome to the Shared Practices Podcast


Oct 30, 2023

Shared Practices' very own coaches Caitlin and Danielle talk about onboarding dental assistants, trusting your lead assistant, and how to truly empower your dental assistants. 

You'll hear a lot more great content in Part 2 as well, so check out the whole series!


Ask the Coaches 👉

Oct 23, 2023

Eleven ops, 40 team members, four GP's, three specialists...Dr. Richard Low and Dr. Paul Etchison talk about Paul's incredible practice, the journey he's had to get there, and whether it's all worth it.


Ask the Coaches 👉

Oct 18, 2023

We have the privilege of hosting Colin Carr, founder of CARR. Colin shares his incredible journey from managing apartment complexes to becoming a leading expert in healthcare real estate. He sheds light on the often-overlooked aspects of commercial real estate in the context of healthcare, especially for dentists...

Oct 16, 2023

Dr. Richard Low and Dr. Paul Etchison talk about Richard's "mid-life crises", mistakes & bumps in growing and clinically retiring from real estate and way more.


 Ask the Coaches 👉

Oct 9, 2023

Alex, Caitlin, and our special guest Derek showcase the entire gammut of Shared Practices' offerings. We talk about Derek's journey into ownership, finding the right (though unconventional) practice for him, and his planned 10-op practice.


Ask the Coaches 👉